Karen was still on unemployment and Todd was/is working with U-Haul as a Computer Specialist. Elizabeth had just turned 5 and was in preschool 2 times a week and Eric was only 2 1/2 years old.
In February, Karen started with Team In Training to train for a walking half marathon in Portland, Oregon. This was quite fun for her. She talked her friend, Kim Merow, into doing it with her, and they trained together. Karen and Kim completed the 1/2 Marathon in the April 2006 Race for the Roses.
Karen received a voucher for voice lessons with an accomplished instructor, so she prepared for a solo for the Ward Talent Show in March. She chose 'Melody' from the movie Rigoletto. It was a lovely performance.
In April, Alice Hale, Karen's mom, was admitted to a Boise hospital for infections and gangrene in her left leg. Karen was able to go and stay at the hospital with her for two days as they got her blood sugar under control along with the multiple infections. They amputated Alice's left leg just below the knee. She went home with Lowell to recuperate and to learn to walk with her prosthetic leg.
At the same time in April, Karen was hired by U-Haul to work at home in their Customer Service department. This seems to be a good fit, since the kids can be home or sent off to school and Karen gets to wear her pajamas a lot.
Kasia Cook and Jordyne Figg came to our house in May and prepared for their Road Trip. They borrowed our minivan, which we decked out with a sleeping area and a storage shelf/table in the back. They were gone for 10 days and had a lovely time. They made it to South Dakota to see the Black Hills. They got back in time to go crabbing and camping with us up at Kitsap Memorial State Park by Puget Sound. It was a great time!
Kaley Cook came to live with us in 2006 and stayed until December. She was accepted into college in Idaho for January. Way to go Kaley!
In November, we heard that Adriane Graepel would like to meet us, so the Sunday before Thanksgiving we all met for dinner at Don and Fran's. It was great to see her again.
Christmas that year was special. Adriane came for Christmas Eve, and Karen T found out 3 days before, so she speedily put together a scrapbook with old photos of Karen G and Adriane, Bryan, and other Trumbull's from the 60's and 70's. It was a big hit! Adriane hadn't remembered seeing any other pictures of her or her mother as a child.
1 comment:
So, Ms. Karen . . . I found your blog and you are a tad bit behind in your posting. I would love to keep up with your family and your many many activities. More please.
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