So the year is nearly gone and I thought I would write down what I could remember, or the high points.
In January, Karen had lasik eye surgery and was promoted to full time with her at-home-job with U-Haul.
At the end of February, Lowell and Alice Hale, Karen's parents, came to stay for 3 weeks. Lowell needed the assistance with Alice, since she needs more care nowadays. While they were here, Ethan Cook, Becky's oldest son, came for a visit. Fun Times!
In April, we got a dog. Elizabeth had been mentioning how we really needed to get a dog. This was a tough one, since Todd is allergic to dog dander. So, considerations began, but the list for the perfect dog was long and strict. We decided to find a Bichon Frise, since it was small and doesn't shed. So I watched the Humane Society's website until one day, there was Jazzpur. He was small, fluffy, white, neutered male, and grown up - (no puppies here, please!) - he was perfect. We drove right down and picked him up. Right away he knew who the alpha female was in the house (Karen) and he has stuck by her side since. He knows where she is at all times and sleeps in his bed beside her at night. (Yes - totally spoiled!)

Eric turned 4 in May. He really wants to be old enough to go to school on a bus. He goes to Kindergarten next year!
Over Memorial Day weekend in May, Karen, Elizabeth, and Eric, with cousin Mary (Baird) Burris, drove over to Pocatello for a Whiting Reunion. It was nice to see Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Jim Baird, along with cousins Murray Baird and Dave & Diane Baird. We also got to visit Jim and JoAnn Barbre who live there in Pocatello. Good times were had! The Hale family (Rex & Kari + kids, Lance & Monique + kids, Becky + kids, and my group all stayed in the same motel... Talk about a slumber party! We even had Laween Billmire and her boy stay with us!
In June, Karen was selected to assist in a Clark Regional Emergency Services Organization drill as a volunteer Logistics Coordinator. It was an all day event that dealt with how the city would respond to a Dirty Bomb. Later that month, Karen completed her first HAM radio class and passed the test for her Technician License - KE7NYH.
We also got to take a vacation. Todd, Karen, Elizabeth, Eric, and Jazzpur drove to Folsom Lake, California for a small Trumbull reunion. Fran and Don met us there, and we had Adriane Graepel fly in to join us and drive back with us. We stayed with Stan and Donna Trumbull and we swam in their pool and took Jazzpur for walks with their dog Murphy around Folsom Lake. We had a few gatherings with Stan and Donna's kids and grandkids, and their son Craig even drove up from Lake Tahoe. We were able to visit the Jelly Belly Factory and we made it to the San Francisco Zoo. Bill Callahan met us there and spent the day wandering the zoo with us. It was great, except for getting lost in San Fran! Yuck!
July was another great month. Todd's sister Karen joined us for our now (in)famous Fourth of July barbecue and fireworks. It was the first time that Don and Karen have seen each other in 15 years. We played games and had great food, started a small fire in the neighbors yard due to bad fireworks, but overall - good times! :-)
Canning started earlier than ever this year - since my cucumber supplier called the 2nd week of July and told me my first 40 pounds were ready. So this year I started with hot dill pickles. Canning continued for 3 months, with many ladies from my Ward coming to learn new techniques and getting over their fear of the mighty Pressure Cooker. :-) I have done up many jams, jellies, juices, pie fillings, vegetable soup, chicken, tuna (first time this year!), beef stew meat, sauerkraut, coleslaw, peaches, pears, and relish over the past few years. I have fun learning new techniques and trying new canning recipes.
In August, Karen got to attend the Community Emergency Response Team Rodeo with other teams from Oregon and Washington at the Tualatin Vally Fire Fighters Training Grounds. She was the Communications Expert for her team and used her HAM radio license to coordinate with the other teams.

In September, Elizabeth started the First Grade. She was so excited! Her first piece of news is that they feed her lunch and she gets 2 recesses! Eric started at an all-day Daycare and Pre-school where he goes twice a week. This allows Karen to volunteer in Elizabeth's class every week, which her teacher truly appreciates!
Alice and Lowell Hale came for another 3 week visit in September. It would have lasted longer, but Alice had the misfortune to lose her balance and fell. She couldn't get her confidence back enough to walk on her own again, and so wanted to go home.
In September, Todd and Karen celebrated their 8th Wedding Anniversary on September 11th. Also, our Ward was rearranged, and we were transfered with about 125 other members to the Walnut Grove Ward. Now our Ward boundaries are only about 4 miles across, instead of the 15 miles across in our previous Ward. That does indicate that there are more apartments and new homes in our new Ward boundaries, so there are a lot of Primary children and younger couples. They gave me the calling of Emergency Preparedness Coordinator because I can food...
November was eventful as well. Stan and Donna Trumbull came to visit Fran and Don Trumbull at Lincoln City, so Karen and Adriane Graepel, along with Karen, Elizabeth, and Eric Trumbull decided to run out to see them since they were so close. We had a great night in a rented condo and went swimming in an indoor heated pool. The Trumbull's took us all out for dinner and we played on the beach.
Ethan Cook, Karen's nephew, came to live with us at the end of November, just in time to be of childcare assistance. Karen had pains in her abdomen and after bloodwork and a CT scan, her surgeon decided to hospitalize her and do emergency surgery. They found a small hernia, but not a more 'acute issue', so they sent her home again. The next week they performed an endoscopy, finding a superficial ulcer. Again, not the source of the pains, but something else they could fix. By then, her Primary Care Physician had read the lab results and asked her to make an appointment only to tell her that her red and white blood cell counts were too low and had been declining for the past 3 years, so off to blood therapy she goes! Her first round of IV iron and B12 shots begin this week!
Elizabeth turned 7 on December 9th. She had a great time at Chuck E Cheese's with a few friends on the 7th, and then we went home and had pizza and ice cream. The next day, Saturday, we had a Trumbull Family dinner at our house, with Fran and Don Trumbull, Karen and Adriane Graepel, Kim Merow, Jimmy Lewis, Jennifer Wright, Ethan Cook, and of course, Todd, Karen, Eric and Elizabeth. Elizabeth got a fleece horse blanket, beads, and drawing supplies for her birthday. She spent an hour or so that night sorting her beads out and she drew a few pictures.

Christmas was a great time. For Christmas Eve, we gathered at Don and Fran's and ate finger foods and opened presents. The big present this year was a family portrait of the four children and the three grandchildren. Karen had arranged for all eight of us to get together and we did this two days before Thanksgiving on the down low - Don and Fran were totally surprised. Karen had them in frames and when the present was opened, both Don and Fran had tears in their eyes. The gift tag hint was 'Two Sticks of Judah'. We definitely stumped Don with that one.
Christmas Day was great as well. Stockings were hung by the chimney with care, and the kids loved their gifts. Elizabeth received a handmade horse quilt and other stuff 'horse' and Eric got Transformers and some binoculars. They had a great time.